Spend Time With Your Family Instead…

So many religious people prioritize their religious beliefs over their family.

It often results in hurt and pain when the religious family members will not fully accept their non-religious or differently religious family members because they do not share the same beliefs. Much effort is poured into “converting them” or “changing them” instead of just accepting them as they are.

Why not put the effort you put into your religion into loving the people around you with no strings and judgments attached? Just a thought.

Church attendance takes priority over family in many cases too. I’ve seen families where the non-religious person isn’t able to visit very often, but when they do the religious members still go to church. Now I understand that church is important to them, and it’s generally not fair for someone to ask a very religious person to skip church (I wouldn’t ask it of anyone unless it was an urgent situation), but wouldn’t it show a lot of love if they voluntarily skipped church one weekend in order to spend a few more valuable minutes with their non-religious or differently-religious family? They can go to church any other weekend of the year- couldn’t they serve God that particular weekend by showing love to their family instead? Instead, it feels like they throw it in their family’s faces: “Church is more important to me than spending time with you. If you want to spend time with me today, you have to honor my religion with me.”

Christians, you’re free to go to church whenever you want. But think about how this affects your family relationships. It doesn’t help convince us to convert to your religion when it so obviously makes you prioritize church attendance above your own family. We don’t want to be like that- so you’re kind of shooting yourself in the foot here.

What Offends Me? (Image)

1526751_733077626789360_2309781414408245475_nImage text: “I’m not offended by believers believing in God. I’m offended by believers trying to force others to live by the rules of the God they believe in.”

I would add that I’m also offended by believers belittling, shaming, or judging others for not sharing their beliefs.

Fear of God is Not the Beginning of Wisdom


“The fear of God is not the beginning of wisdom. The fear of God is the death of wisdom. Skepticism and doubt lead to study and investigation, and investigation is the beginning of wisdom.” -Clarence Darrow, Why I Am an Agnostic and Other Essays

I was always taught that “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom”. Now I no longer believe that’s true. How do we find true wisdom? By exploring the world around us, learning as much as we can about everything, gaining life experiences, and then thinking carefully about our actions and beliefs so we can make the wisest decisions possible for ourselves and those around us. THAT is true wisdom, and that is why we tend to become more wise as we age- we have more knowledge and life experience.

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” Translated: “You can’t begin to become wise unless you are afraid of our God.” Fear, according to many Christians, is essential to becoming a wise person. When did fear become a good method for learning? How is this an effective teaching method? Why should we have to fear our teacher?

Wisdom is defined as “…the quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgment; the quality of being wise.” So how does being afraid of a deity help us in aquiring wisdom? Surely an all powerful, all knowing deity would not expect us to rely on fear to learn.

You don’t have to fear a god to become wise, and in fact I would argue that fear of God may make you less wise because you’ll be less likely to question the potentially harmful teachings of your religion if you’re constantly living in fear of a deity. You can be wise, kind, moral, and loving without ever believing in any gods or deities.

Asking For Verifiable Proof

Asking For Verifiable Proof

Why is it unreasonable to ask for verifiable proof of God’s existence? If I said that Zeus was the one true god, you would be asking me for evidence of my claims. Why is your religion any different?

For any Christian who has ever said or thought that atheists are stupid: SHOW ME PROOF. Until you do, you’re laughing at me for not believing in your mythology- because without hard evidence, that’s all it is.