Why is Abortion Such a Big Deal in the US?

Why is abortion such a huge issue in the US right now? It didn’t used to be as controversial, and in many other developed nations it’s not controversial at all. Here are my thoughts.

1. Since Roe vs Wade, the number of women experiencing health problems and death from unsafe illegal abortions has plummeted into almost non-existence. Thus the risks of not having abortion legal and safe have been forgotten or overlooked by many abortion opponents.

2. There is a lack of empathy that is pervasive in the US. It’s seen in so many of these issues. “It’s all about ME- my views, my standards, my life. Who gives a shit if my actions and teachings hurt others- everyone else must live MY way!” My way or the highway. That’s how it so often works in the US.

3. American is obsessed with being at war- even with itself. Just look at our politics, it’s easy to see! We don’t just disagree, we alienate and demonize the other side so that we don’t have to consider anything that they have to say, even if they’re people we know and love. The debate over abortion, LGBTQ rights, women’s rights, between political parties, against immigrants and atheists, etc. shows a lack of desire for peace and understanding. America lives for conflict… and when there is none, they create it. It’s an “us vs them” attitude that invades almost every issue. But this isn’t new. The Civil war showed the lengths Americans will go to in order to not work together. The states are always at odds with the federal government and with each other. There’s little unity or cohesiveness; we should be called “The Divided States of America”; it would be more accurate. After living in Canada for several years where people get along much better, it was easy to see just how messed up and divided the US really is.

4. These issues are distractions that are skillfully manipulated and promoted by political and religious leaders and the media (and I’m not talking about Obama!) If people are fighting each other over gay marriage and abortion and religion, they won’t notice their rights being eroded and they won’t see just how screwed up their country really is. Or if they do, they’ll blame it on the “gays”, atheists, abortion, or Obama instead of realizing that all of us fighting each other has contributed to the abhorrent state of our nation.